ACTA would like to note the retirement of Bishop Terence Curtin as Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne.
Bishop Terry has been a member of ACTA and, before his appointment as a bishop, served in a range of academic positions, including:
- Head of the School of the Religious Education at the State College of Victoria, Mercy Campus
- Head of the School of Religion and Philosophy at the Australian Catholic University
- Head of the School of Theology at the Australian Catholic University, Victoria
- Master of Catholic Theological College, Melbourne
- President of the Melbourne College of Divinity
- Head of the Systematic Theology Department at Catholic Theological College, Melbourne.
Later, Bishop Terry served as the liaison between the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and ACTA for a number of years.
We thank Bishop Terry for his long service to the Church and academia, and in particular his contributions to ACTA over the years, and pray every blessing for him in his retirement.